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Week in review

Your week got the better of you and you missed a beat or two on NolaVie. You can catch up on local cultural arts news in NolaVie’s Week in Review, featuring a snapshot of the week’s features, published every Saturday.

New Orleans, nine years later

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Out in the Great Elsewhere, people ask me all the time: “How is New Orleans doing? Is it back?” And the answer is: yes and no.


Yes, there are entrepreneurs in Lower Nine

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There’s a new barber shop down in Lower Nine; actually, it’s the only barber shop in Lower Nine. It’s one part of a project-in-the-making that already contains a sweet shop with sno-balls and candy and, one day soon, will also include a small food market.


The HUB: Bikers call for zero tolerance for bike fatalities

zero tolerance

Local bicycle advocacy organization Bike Easy is calling for a Vision Zero policy, aimed at eliminating preventable traffic tragedies — to be enacted by the New Orleans mayor and City Council.


Culture Collision 6: Pictures with the Queen


If it’s good enough for Her Majesty…




The third installment of a series spotlighting some of the best places to hear live music around New Orleans.


Films put the labor back into Labor Day


Cinema Reset brings the message of labor back to Labor Day with three thought-provoking documentaries plus a special Open Screen, New Orleans showing of original shorts.



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