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Top 10 worst first-date spots in New Orleans

So you met a hottie at PJ’s Coffee / the Bulldog / Whole Foods, or — let’s be real — Tinder. Avoid these first-date spots at all costs … that is, until the timing is right.

10. Drive Thru Daiquiris followed by hanging out at The Fly


Good for: The third date, when you can put small talk aside, enjoy each other’s company and just mellow out with a large Styrofoam cup of icy strawberry perfection.

9. Your best friend’s wedding


Good for: The 16th date when you can finally prove to everyone that you won’t die alone with your new cat named Katniss Everdeen … that is, at least for the time being.

8. A Saints game


Good for: The 9th date when you’re not only willing to give up a coveted season ticket, but you’re comfortable enough to reveal your “angry side.”

7. Your apartment


Good for: The fourth date, on a Sunday, just in time for Game of Thrones.

6. Your little sister’s jungle-themed Sweet 16 at the Audubon Tea Room


Good for: Do you really want to put your significant other through this? I thought better of you.

5. Rally’s at 3 am


Good for: The 7th date, when you literally couldn’t give a damn.

4. Lakeside Mall


Good for: When the two of you are registering for your wedding at Pottery Barn and hopefully ONLY THEN.

3. Chili’s


Good for: The 24th date, when you’re Lord knows where evacuating from a hurricane together in northern Mississippi with your three cats (including Katniss Everdeen).

2. Hiking / fishing / kayaking / enjoying nature in general


Good for: I have no idea … but I’m pretty sure there are people who are into this.

1.Bourbon Street


Good for: When you have friends from college in town, when you’re craving a purple drink from Lafitte’s, and/or when you are comfortable enough singing a karaoke duet at the Cat’s Meow together just for the hell of it.


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