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Slut Walk: Fighting against “asking for it”

This Saturday, the Slut Walk comes to New Orleans. The Slut Walk marches started in Toronto last April to protest the rationalization and explanation of rape by referring to a woman’s appearance. The slut walk promotes the idea that women should be able to dress however they want without the expectation of violence. During Slut Walk marches, many women dress provocatively, some in the clothes in which they were sexually assaulted, and some in day to day wear, to symbolize all women in all walks of life, showing that sexual assault affects all women and none of them were asking for it. The name, though potentially polarizing, is to reclaim the term, to show that a woman’s sexuality is her own, and should not be used to exploit or violate her. It highlights that so-called sluts do not cause rape; rapists do.

In a city like New Orleans, Slut Walks take on a new significance. New Orleans, unfortunately, has become a city known for its rampant violence, not only against women. The violence at times seems indiscriminant, yet rape is a crime that primarily affects women. Sex trafficking in New Orleans boomed after Katrina, affecting primarily women and children.

This clear victimization of women is further complicated by the fact that women come to New Orleans, primarily as tourists, and expose themselves for Mardi Gras beads. In a way, this is just as empowering as the Slut Walks. It’s women owning their sexuality and not apologizing for it. Women flash crowds at Bourbon Cowboy to a room full of iPhone cameras for their wild New Orleans weekend, and are bucked off the motorized horse if they don’t deliver. There is an expectation of sex, from strip clubs to the street itself. But there should never be an expectation of violence, of victimization.

New Orleans needs Slut Walks not only to combat the rationalization of rape to a woman’s appearance, but to send the message that of women are autonomous human beings and not open to violation. Though Slut Walks have been labeled “ridiculous” and “indecent,” let’s remember that New Orleans is both of those things. It is ridiculous, indecent, over the top, outrageous, and culturally significant. So put on your protesting pants (or purple tutus and go go boots) and head to Congo Square from 11 am to 1 pm Saturday and stand up for your right to be you, to wear what you want and be who you are without the threat violence.


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