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Instajournal: Krewe du ‘do

Like finely tuned clock work, when the first parades of Carnival roll, the eccentric headwear comes out. And this year’s Krewe du Vieux parade, “Where the Vile Things Are,” proved to be no exception. Wigs, tiny hats, and, in one case, a giant cardboard cut-out of a piece of toast worn around a woman’s head (an image I unfortunately did not capture due to the carbo-loader’s inability to remain still for the photo op) transformed the French Quarter into a who’s who of weird hair days. It’s the one time of year when your bad dye job, your heavy-handed gel application, and/or your failure to shower after a late night bar-hopping will easily go unnoticed.

Natural or not — Krewe du Vieux ‘dos were yet one more way folks around NOLA  are preparing to let it all hang out for Carnival.


The friends who Google mapped the wrong “LA.”



The one who owns 8 poodles and counting.



The one who forgot to ask her friends “Does this hat make my head look big?”


Mary, from There’s Something About Mary, in 20 years.  


The “You can’t sit with us unless you’re sporting headwear that says ‘I visited the circus'” friends.



The one who hasn’t showered since the New Year’s Eve confetti storm.


The Paul Revere groupie.


The one who can’t seem to part with his VW bus.


The one who’s over Mardi Gras and can’t wait ’til Easter.



The one who still wears shoulder pads, carries a walkman cassette player, and uses “bitchin’” as an adjective. *Lives next door to VW bus owner.


The ones who secretly wish Hairspray was real life.


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Chelsea Lee is associate editor at nolavie. Email comments to her at


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